What is Waxing?? 

Waxing is the process of hair removal, we use hard and soft wax to effectively remove the hair from the root. At Skin it, we use only the best products that are specifically formulated to prevent skin irritation. We use wax that is formulated for delicate skin. The wax is also a natural antioxidant, excellent emollient and great for all skin types. The skin is prepped to protect the skin from the wax. After the waxing process is complete, we use an after waxing cream that soothes, calms and removes wax residue. The hair must be a minimum of 1/4 inch to ensure proper removal of hair. Trimming is not recommended.


  • Smooth and even skin: One of the best benefits of waxing is that your skin will feel smooth and even. When waxing, you not only remove unwanted hair, but you also wax away any dry and dead skin cells in the process.
  • No cut: With waxing, you aren’t at risk of any cuts or nicks that can leave you with scars from shaving.
  • Stubble free skin: Waxing removes unwanted hair completely, from its roots. 
  • Irritation and allergies-free:  There are minimal chemicals involved in the waxing process, so rarely does waxing cause any skin irritation or allergy. 
  • Slow hair re-growth: After waxing, the regrowth of your hair is very slow, often taking 2 to 6 weeks. Also, many say that they have found their hair to be finer after the regrowth.
  •  Areas that are repeatedly waxed over long periods of time often exhibit regrowth that is softer. 

Let us give you smooth, hair free skin!


Bikini LineBikini FullBrazilianManzilian
Butt StripButt FullUnderarms


NeckNoseSideburnsFull Face


Half ArmsFull ArmsShouldersHands/Fingers
Half LegsFull LegsInner ThighsToes/Feet


Half BackFull BackChest Strip
Full StomachFull ChestStomach Strip